Preserving Biodiversity for Sustainable Land Management
The Port of Québec is a leader in sustainable land management. It has made noteworthy efforts to decarbonize and fight climate change. Its respect for the environment and its initiatives to preserve biodiversity are also widely recognized.

Ecosystem sustainability plan
In 2023, the Port of Québec launched an innovative project to formally monitor the condition of the ecosystems on its property. Eight local stakeholders have joined the working committee to establish indicators, monitoring methods, and targets with a view to preparing a long-term action plan.
The overall goal of this project is to protect healthy ecosystems and find concrete measures to improve the state of those that are less healthy. It’s a further step towards protecting the environment at the Port and developing tools for the community.
Greening plan
Thousands of plants have been planted at the Port since 2018. The Port has also implemented a greening plan that is resilient to climate change designed specifically for the area. Among other things, the plan documents the baseline condition of the urban forest at the Port, identifies priority areas for future greening, and guides planting projects to make them more resilient to climate change.
With the help of local experts, the Port is aiming to innovate by optimizing the ecosystem services that vegetation provides, like reducing heat islands, filtering run-off water, and improving air quality, to name but a few.
Bank swallow nesting box
In 2014, some 30 bank swallow broods were counted on Port property at the Baie de Beauport. The low-lying natural habitat was unusual for this species and exposed the colony to predators, tides, and bad weather.
In 2015, the Port of Québec decided to build North America’s first artificial nesting box for bank swallows, inspired by European models. The pilot project was a resounding success, with the entire colony nesting there from the very first year. Since then, the colony has grown steadily, with over 228 broods counted in 2023. Baie de Beauport users can admire this superb colony throughout the nesting season, which runs from mid-May to the end of August.