Strategic Advantages
Doing Business with the Port of Québec
The Port of Québec is one of Canada’s largest ports in terms of tonnage handled, with a strategic location that makes it ideal to serve North America’s industrial and agricultural heartland.
Read on to learn about the many advantages of doing business with the Port of Québec.
Strategic advantages

Geographical location
As the last deep-water port before the Great Lakes, the Port of Québec is the gateway to North America’s industrial and agricultural heartland.
The Port’s water depth allows cargo to be transshipped between deep-draft ships and smaller vessels capable of making their way upriver to the Great Lakes, where the market serves over 100 million people. What’s more, its prime location on the St. Lawrence, 1,300 kilometres from the Atlantic, grants access to the large North American Midwest market.

Water depth
The Port of Québec offers more than 15 metres of water depth at low tide. This strategic advantage means that shippers sending their goods through the Port benefit from substantial economies of scale.

Multimodal terminals
All sectors of the Port of Québec provide access to congestion-free, fully multimodal transport on the railways and the continental North American road network.
Comprehensive maritime services
- Shipping agencies, customs brokers, and freight forwarders
- Inspection and classification company
- Shipyard and ship repair
- Dockside water and electricity connection
- Barge and tug service
- Mobile cranes
- Canadian Coast Guard Laurentian base
- Related services: chandlering, refloating, waste collection, greywater, marine engineering, welding, bunkering (hydrocarbons, LNG, etc.).
- Pilotage (Les Escoumins to Québec City and Québec City to Trois-Rivières)
- Harbour Master’s office (24/7)

Open year-round
All Port of Québec terminals operate 24/7, no matter the season, so exporters can move their goods uninterrupted.
The Port in numbers